As you may be aware, the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act has come into effect on the 1st October 2024. To help you comply with the new regulation and ensure a smooth transition, we have developed a process for managing tips for Cooplers (our temporary workers) as simply as possible.
On the 1st working day of each month Coople will provide you with an excel report that contains two tabs.
Tab 1: A detailed breakdown of all shifts worked, including total hours, job role, experience level, and costs.
Tab 2: A summary of the hours and total pay per Coopler.
You can then choose how much to allocate in tips, either by individual shits (Tab 1) or as a monthly total (Tab 2).
Please return the completed file with your 6p alloca6ons to by the 10th working day of the month. Timely submission is crucial; allocations received after this date cannot be processed, affecting your compliance with the new regulation.
On the last billing cycle of every month, you will receive a separate invoice that contains tips as you have reported to us. We will not be charging any markup on tips.
Our Cooplers will be paid out on the last Friday of the month along with their normal weekly pay. The tips will be itemised per client, ensuring transparency for Cooplers and alignment with each companies tipping policy.
Important points to note
If a Coopler has questions about the tip amount or your 6pping policy, they will be referred directly to you.
If you choose to distribute tips directly to Cooplers, please notify us about this in writing and include a reference to your 6pping policy on each job posting.
If you have a high level of overdue debt, Coople reserves the right to ask for the Tip allocation upfront before passing it onto our Cooplers.
We recommend that you attach a copy of your Tips policy to each job to ensure you meet the transparency requirement.
Coople will only deduct applicable taxes from the tips when paying out to the Cooplers.