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What is my holiday entitlement and how do I apply for paid time off?
What is my holiday entitlement and how do I apply for paid time off?

Temporary employment also includes entitlement to paid vacation. Learn more about your entitlement and how to apply for paid time off.

Written by Julie Freeman
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Holiday entitlement

What is my holiday entitlement?

According to CBA Staff Leasing Art. 13, holiday entitlement is 25 working days (10.6%) until the age of 20 and from the age of 50. For all other workers, the holiday entitlement is 20 working days (8.33%).

The holiday entitlement is calculated pro rata temporis (proportionally to the duration of employment).

Holiday entitlement may be regulated differently depending on the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). You can find which CBA applies and therefore which holiday entitlement applies on your assignment contract.

When is the vacation pay paid out?

The vacation compensation per shift is included in your gross hourly wage (see rate on the payslip ❶) and is shown separately in CHF on the payslip (see Included share of vacation compensation ❷).

For example= 4 x CHF 27.00 = CHF 108.00, in CHF 108.00 CHF 7.67 vacation compensation is included.

You can find what else is included in the gross hourly wage under "What is on my payslip?"

The vacation pay is paid directly with the gross hourly wage when your assignment comes to an end, if it's your first work contract and doesn't last longer than 3 months.

The payment of vacation pay for all other employment contracts may only occur upon the actual taking of holidays or upon termination of the employment contract, provided that taking holidays within the notice period is not possible or legally permitted. In such cases, your vacation pay will be credited to a holiday account until we receive a request for a vacation pay. For more information, please refer to the holiday provision.

Request for vacation pay

How and when can I take holidays?

Holidays should be taken, where possible, during the current employment contract and within the calendar year. If your employment lasts for an extended period, holiday days can be taken during the assignment. Please ensure that you independently coordinate the timing of your holiday with your assignment company. Coople does not make any arrangements in this regard.

-> After the approval from the assignment company, please send us your holiday request using the form "Request paid time off" so that we can pay out your vacation pay.

-> As soon as we receive your application for vacation pay, we will review it and record it in the system. Your vacation pay will be paid with the next salary payment following your request.

When taking holidays, you should consider the following points:

• Vacation pay can only be taken on a weekday (Monday to Friday).

• Only full days can be taken, as you might be working shifts as a temporary worker and your working day may not necessarily be from 08:00 to 17:00.

• Only the amount available in your holiday account can be paid out. If you request more vacation pay than you're entitled to, only the available amount in the holiday account will be paid.

• If you are currently on a mission, you cannot take holiday days and vice versa.

• You cannot book or accept assignments for registered holiday days.

• If your holiday plans change and you work despite having submitted a holiday request, we will adjust the holiday request accordingly and will not pay vacation pay for this/these day(s).

• On public holidays and during absences such as illness, accident, military service, civil service, maternity, paternity, etc., no vacation pay is paid, as other compensations are already provided for such events (e.g. public vacation compensation, continued salary payment, daily allowances, etc.).

For cancellations, extensions or reductions, we kindly ask you to also inform us via "Request paid time off".

Why is my vacation pay per hour different from my hourly wage?

Holiday entitlements from various assignments at multiple assignment companies with different applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) can accumulate in your holiday account. As the percentage of vacation pay can vary depending on the applicable CBA, we use the average value for vacation payments, which may differ from your current hourly wage. Due to the complexity and diversity of CBA regulations, we calculate the holiday pay based on a 42-hour week according to the CBA Staff Leasing, to which Coople (Switzerland) AG is subject.

For questions regarding holiday entitlement and vacation pay, please contact

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