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How to request vacation or short absences while working at Coople
How to request vacation or short absences while working at Coople

Learn how you can request paid vacation leave or apply for loss of earnings for short absences.

Written by Julie Freeman
Updated over 2 weeks ago

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Holidays should be taken, where possible, during the current employment contract and within the calendar year. If your employment lasts for an extended period, holiday days can be taken during the assignment. Please ensure that you independently coordinate the timing of your holiday with your assignment company. Coople does not make any arrangements in this regard.

-> After the approval from the assignment company, please send us your holiday request using the form "Request paid time off" so that we can pay out your vacation pay.

-> As soon as we receive your application for vacation pay, we will review it and record it in the system. Your vacation pay will be paid with the next salary payment following your request.

When is the vacation pay paid out?

The vacation compensation per shift is included in your gross hourly wage (see rate on the payslip ❶) and is shown separately in CHF on the payslip (see Included share of vacation compensation ❷).

For example= 4 x CHF 27.00 = CHF 108.00, in CHF 108.00 CHF 7.67 vacation compensation is included.

The vacation pay is paid directly with the gross hourly wage when your assignment comes to an end, if it's your first work contract and doesn't last longer than 3 months.

In case of special circumstances, you are entitled to paid short absences in accordance with Article 15 of the CBA for Personnel Leasing. Other Collective Labour Agreements (GAV) may stipulate different provisions.

Marriage of the worker (including registered partnership), death of a family member living in the community or life partner:

3 days

Death of siblings, parents, grandparents or parents-in-law:

1 day

Birth or marriage (including registered partnership) of a child:

1 day

Relocation of primary residence:

1 day

Military control day:

½ day

Care for your own sick child and/or a sick child living in the same household, per case of illness:

up to 3 days

Fulfilment of legal obligations:

necessary hours

The following conditions must be met:

  • The events occur while you are on duty.

  • You are no longer in the probation period (calculation according to CBA for Personnel Leasing Art. 10).

  • The required supporting documents must be provided (e.g. death notice, medical certificate for child's illness, official summons, etc.)

You must immediately report your absence directly to the hiring company.

In order for us to assess your claim for loss of earnings, we kindly ask you to complete the form "Request paid time off".

The calculation is based on the contractually agreed standard working hours. Compensation for loss of earnings will be paid at the gross hourly rate of the current shift.

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